b'Kax Herberger, along with her sons Judd and Gary, were major patrons of arts organizations in the Valley, including such institutions as the Phoenix Symphony and the Phoenix Art Museum. The family also helped spark the revitalization of downtown Phoenix with the construction of the Herberger Theater Center in the late 1980s.MEET THE FOUNDERSThe Herberger familys love affair with Arizona startedthe years, they invested in large parcels of land through-by pure serendipity. When Bob Herberger and his wife,out Phoenix and Scottsdale, eventually becoming some Katherine Kax Kierland Herberger, were on their way toof the largest private land owners in Arizona and playing Texas back in the 1940s, weather forced a detour to thea key part in the Valleys economic development. But it Valley of the Sun. The Herbergers quickly made friendswas Kax, known for her philanthropy and vibrant commu-in Arizona and started embarking on annual trips to thenity presence, who lent her maiden name to what would Valley. Soon, they shared a vision of preserving Arizonasbecome two Valley institutions: The Westin Kierland and history and culture while growing the community. Overthe mixed-use development, Kierland Commons.THE WESTIN KIERLAND MAGAZINE 19'